RE: [xsl] xsl:param and replace.xsl

Subject: RE: [xsl] xsl:param and replace.xsl
From: "Hunsberger, Peter" <Peter.Hunsberger@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 13:09:38 -0600
> My objective is to use the xsl stylesheet to replace text in a xml
> document without creating a new document. 

Egads, think!

Do you really want to start clobbering your input document before you know
you have a valid output document?

What if your system blows up half way through the process?  Can you live
with a document that is half transformed?

Even more basic, how is the system, in general, supposed to read and write
the same document at the same time?  

Write out a new document.  When everything is done, delete the old document,
rename the new document.

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