RE: [xsl] xsl:param and replace.xsl

Subject: RE: [xsl] xsl:param and replace.xsl
From: DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 09:06:40 -0000
Mike Kay said.
> An XSLT processor produces a result tree from a source tree. 
> The source tree
> is immutable. It would be possible in principle for the 
> serialized result
> file to overwrite the original serialized input file, but I 
> can't see a good
> reason for wanting to do that, and many good reasons for not doing it.

I've just spent the last week doing that in a python program.
Requirement was to convert an e-book from version x to version y.
Needed all the same filenames, variant (transformed) content.

rename original to .bak
transform xxx.bak to xxx.xml

'transformInPlace' was the function name.
That's the use case anyway.

Regards DaveP


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