RE: [xsl] XPath 2.0

Subject: RE: [xsl] XPath 2.0
From: "Michael Kay" <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 17:13:23 -0000
> You are right.  And I have indeed read about "<<" just before
> reading about precedes.
> It seems that I will personally use a role of thumb :
> never use precedes  :)

There's an open issue as to whether we need to provide "<<" (which tests for
document order) or "precedes" (which tests whether one node is on the
preceding axis of another), the current situation in which both are offered
is almost certainly overkill. Therefore if you have any input (e.g. use
cases) that indicate one of these operators is preferable to the other,
please send it to the official comments address!

I must say my personal preference is for "<<", simply on the grounds that it
means exactly one of the conditions a<<b, a==b, and a>>b will be true
(assuming a and b are single nodes); I think it's also likely to be more
efficient to test, given that implementations have to have an efficient way
of sorting into document order.

Mike Kay

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