Re: [xsl] simplifying the XSL for an intersection

Subject: Re: [xsl] simplifying the XSL for an intersection
From: Joerg Heinicke <joerg.heinicke@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 02:09:34 +0100
Hello Leona,

isn't it possible that your requirement gets out of hand? For example I add an Item like the following:

<Item iID="1">
    <RoleLink iRoleID="X"/>
    <RoleLink iRoleID="A"/>

and a simple Role like the following:

<Role roleID="A">
    <PlayerLink player="1"/>
    <PlayerLink player="3"/>

A won't be caught in the first run, but maybe it has to, because it's in the same Item as X. It seems that a recursive approach is needed, isn't it?

Without recursion and not really simpler, but I think more readable and easier to understand is the following rewriting:

<xsl:variable name="player" select="53"/>

You can pull the root element <Matrix/> into the variable declaration of $matrix. So you avoid to type it always in the expressions below:
<xsl:variable name="matrix" select="document('matrix.xml')/Matrix"/>

<xsl:variable name="playerroles" select="$matrix/Role[PlayerLink/@player=$player]"/>

Your expression was:
<xsl:variable name="matrixroles"
select="$matrix/Role[@roleID = $matrix/Item/RoleLink/@iRoleID
[../../RoleLink/@iRoleID = $playerroles/@roleID]]"/>

<xsl:variable name="matrixroles"
select="$matrix/Role[@roleID = $matrix/Item
[RoleLink/@iRoleID = $playerroles/@roleID]/RoleLink/@iRoleID]"/>

or adding a new variable for further better readability:

<xsl:variable name="items" select="$matrix/Item[RoleLink/@iRoleID = $playerroles/@roleID]"/>
<xsl:variable name="matrixroles" select="$matrix/Role[@roleID=$items/RoleLink/@iRoleID]"/>

Does this help a bit? And what about my first comment?



leona s wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to get a set of nodes that is really an intersection
and would appreciate some ideas for a solution.

What I need is the set of Matrix/Role nodes,
  that contains all of Roles for Items
  where $player is in at least one of the Roles for that Item.

For example, if I have a variable $player = '53', I
should get the set of Roles where roleID = {W,X,Y}, because
53 is in W and Y, and although 53 is not in X, that Role
is in at least one Item that also has roles W and Y. Also,
53 is in Role Z, but that Role does not belong to any Item so it is not

I have a solution that works, but I was wondering if there is a simpler
way to express this.

<xsl:variable name="player" select="53"/>
<xsl:variable name="matrix" select="document('matrix.xml')"/>
<xsl:variable name="playerroles"
<xsl:variable name="matrixroles"

  <Role roleID="W">
    <PlayerLink player="1"/>
    <PlayerLink player="3"/>
    <PlayerLink player="6"/>
    <PlayerLink player="53"/>
  <Role roleID="X">
    <PlayerLink player="1"/>
    <PlayerLink player="3"/>
  <Role roleID="Y">
    <PlayerLink player="1"/>
    <PlayerLink player="3"/>
    <PlayerLink player="51"/>
    <PlayerLink player="53"/>
  <Role roleID="Z">
    <PlayerLink player="3"/>
    <PlayerLink player="53"/>

  <Item iID="123">
    <RoleLink iRoleID="W"/>
    <RoleLink iRoleID="X"/>
    <RoleLink iRoleID="Y"/>

  <Item iID="456">
    <RoleLink iRoleID="X"/>
    <RoleLink iRoleID="Y"/>

  <Item iID="789">
    <RoleLink kgRoleID="Y"/>

Thanks very much,
Leona Slepetis

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