RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable cannot be resolved.

Subject: RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable cannot be resolved.
From: Wendell Piez <wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:07:13 -0500
At 04:24 AM 2/17/2003, bryan wrote:
>In my experience (learning and teaching) what makes XSLT hard is not
>so much as it's the interference of preconceptions about the way
>"computers" or "computer languages" work or "should" work.
>unburdened by years of experience writing procedural code, I've never
>XSLT particularly difficult, apart from a short list of "gotchas".

I don't particularly like to go with the idea that expertise as a
programmer hampers one in writing xslt, however I have been given strong
indicators that this is so.

It's not something that can exactly be known; but my experience is that while it may not be true *in general* (the supposed correspondence between procedural programming habits and troubled XSLT), it's not altogether infrequent either.

So it remains a matter for speculation. Interesting how some "non-programmers", however, take to XSLT quickly and readily. (Albeit this also very much depends on the kind of XSLT being called for.)


    "Thus I make my own use of the telegraph, without consulting
     the directors, like the sparrows, which I perceive use it
     extensively for a perch." -- Thoreau

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