Subject: [xsl] Building Subsections in a Chapter From: Jason Clark <JaClark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 14:16:46 -0500 |
Hello All, I am attempting to transform the below XML document (CHAPTER OF A BOOK) into my preferred output below. I'm having problems generating the subsections. The subsections can be 1 to N nested. Could someone help with an approach or point me to some resources that have something like this. Thanks in advance. SOURCE DOCUMENT: <body> <chapter></chapter> <p> <span>2.1 Introduction</span> <span>Content</span> </p> <p> <span>2.1.1 My Book</span> <span>Content</span> </p> </body> OUTPUT I WOULD LIKE: <body> <chapter></chapter> <section> <title>2.1 Introduction</title> <para>Content</para> <subsection> <title>2.1.1 MyBook</title> <para>Content</para> </subsection> </section> </body> XSL-List info and archive:
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[xsl] Re: Re: Re: Re: Converting sp, Dimitre Novatchev | Thread | Re: [xsl] Building Subsections in a, Mukul Gandhi |
Re: [xsl] thanks: (to XSL-List) - s, Wendell Piez | Date | Re: [xsl] table-cell dosent wrap, J.Pietschmann |
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