Re: [xsl] table-cell dosent wrap

Subject: Re: [xsl] table-cell dosent wrap
From: "J.Pietschmann" <j3322ptm@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 20:25:26 +0100
Mukul Gandhi wrote:
But I am getting error "[ERROR]At least one of
minimum, optimum, or maximum IPD must be specified on
table" . I don't know the meaning of this error ,

This means you use FOP. IPD translates to "Inline Progression Dimension" or short "width", for western languages. The complaint is about the inability to compute the table width from either - the width property of the fo:table itself - the sum of the column widths, because you use the proportional-column-width() function. It falls back to assuming width="100%" for the table. Adding exactly this to the fo:table element makes error disappear.


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