RE: [xsl] want to process file from STDIN

Subject: RE: [xsl] want to process file from STDIN
From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 15:11:04 -0000
> Is it possible to use saxon to apply a stylesheet to a file 
> that is read 
> from STDIN - I would like to apply a series of stylesheets in 
> a pipeline. Regards, Shipra
In recent releases you can use "-" to indicate input from standard

But this isn't the best way of doing a pipeline. You don't need to
serialize the result tree and then parse it again. You can create a
pipeline of SAX filters, either by using the JAXP APIs, or by using the
saxon:next-in-chain extension.

Also, using standard input suffers from the fact that it doesn't have a
known base URI, which means that relative URIs in the document cannot be

Michael Kay

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