Re: [xsl] Lookup without document('') function

Subject: Re: [xsl] Lookup without document('') function
From: Kip Hampton <khampton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 17:35:35 -0800
David Carver wrote:
I'm currently using an XSLT parser that unfortunately doesn't support
the document() function (it's still alpha software), ideally I'd switch
to one of the other full feature ones, but don't know of an XSLT parser
that is fully functional that is supported in Active State Perl.

A bit off-topic, but, you are certainly not forced to work around such broken tools in the Windows Perl World. PPM packages for XML::LibXSLT (the Perl interface to the Gnome Project's lighting-fast, fully XSLT 1.0-compliant processor, libxslt) are available.

You'll need 3 things:

1) the Windows binary for Gnome's XML parser, libxml2 [1]. (To be safe, get the last version in the 2.5.x series, since 2.6.x is very new and the PPM might not be in sync yet).

2) Grab the binary for libxslt, mentioned above [2]

3) Once the above are installed, use ActiveState Perl's ppm utility to install the required Perl interfaces. At the command prompt:

C:\> ppm
ppm> set repository theoryx
ppm> install XML-LibXML
ppm> install XML-LibXSLT

Assuming nothing blows up along the way, this will give you a rockin'-fast and strictly compliant XSLT 1.0 processor for use with your Perl apps.

My apologies to the list for the off-topicness of all of this, but no one should have to suffer with b0rken tools when better choices are available...



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