Re: [xsl] Re: Problem with Muenchian grouping

Subject: Re: [xsl] Re: Problem with Muenchian grouping
From: jean pujol <jean.pujol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 09:39:02 +0100
Yes you are absolutely right I had a wrong idea of the problem.

Here is a complete XML sample:
      <project eiac="PISCINE">
         <lotnum>Lot 1</lotnum>
         <xafree1>REF LSA</xafree1>
      <breakdown eiac="PISCINE" lcn="P1AA00XX" alc="00">
    <breakdown eiac="PISCINE" lcn="P1AA00XX001" alc="00">
      <breakdown eiac="PISCINE" lcn="P1AA01AB" alc="01">
     <breakdownlanguage eiac="PISCINE" lcn="P1AA00" alc="01" language="FR">
         <lcnnom>S_SYST FILTRATION</lcnnom>
         <lcnnomfull>S_SYST FILTRATION</lcnnomfull>
      <breakdownlanguage eiac="PISCINE" lcn="P1AA00XX003" alc="01"
      <breakdownlanguage eiac="PISCINE" lcn="P1AA00XX" alc="00" language="EN">
         <lcnnom>ALIMENTATION EAUX</lcnnom>
         <lcnnomfull>ALIMENTATION EAUX</lcnnomfull>
Usually my input XML files are much bigger but this one is a good example.
The <action> elements all have the value "delete" but this is not a problem.
There are two groups (I'm only interested in the children of <data> that have
<action> elements): breakdown and breakdownlanguage.
I repeat that I need, for each of both groups, to build an HTML table. To set
the headers of those tables, I must get all possible children of a category (the
children differ from one member of a group to another, but a member has only one
child of a certain kind). Then the tables are filled with the textnode values of
those children (a field can be blank if there is no child of a certain
(But then, in a way, I must pay attention to the order of the headers).
If someone could show me how nested grouping works, using the Muenchian

Thanks in advance,


Dimitre Novatchev a écrit :

> > I group elements that have an <action> child by name and then for each
> group I
> > build an HTML table. Members of the same group usually have the same set
> of
> > childnodes, but this is not always the case, and this is a problem, given
> the
> > way I build the tables: I get the first member of the group and set the
> > headers of the table to the names of its children (<th align="center"
> > bgColor="lightgrey"><xsl:value-of select="name()"/> </th>). When other
> members
> > of the group have more children, the values of those latter are put in a
> new
> > column without header...
> >
> > So, instead of getting the first member of the group, I would like to get
> the
> > one with the greatest number of children (to get all the headers, it's not
> a
> > problem if some fields are blank in the table). Is this possible?
> This is possible, but you have a wrong idea about the problem. Even if you
> use the element with biggest number of children, there might be other
> elements in the same group that have children, whose name will not be
> represented in the column header.
> What you really need is all different names of all children of all elements
> in a group.
> This is nested grouping and has a standard solution using the same Muenchian
> method.
> Please, give a minimal complete example of a source xml document and many
> people in this group will be glad to provide the solution.
> =====
> Cheers,
> Dimitre Novatchev.
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