Re: [xsl] convert large array to several smaller arrays containing max N elements

Subject: Re: [xsl] convert large array to several smaller arrays containing max N elements
From: David Everly <deckrider@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 07:35:08 -0700
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 12:18:55AM -0000, Michael Kay wrote:
> Oh dear. Another victim falls in the elephant trap. You're in good
> company, lots of people have fallen in before you.

Yes, it felt like an elephant trap  :)

> Firstly, XSLT stylesheets have to be well-formed XML, so this is
> syntactic nonsense.
> At a deeper level, XSLT stylesheets don't write start and end tags, they
> write nodes. An element node in the stylesheet is an instruction to
> write an element node to the result tree. You really have to grasp this
> essential concept. You can't write half a node to a tree.

I was getting a sense of this.  Thanks for the clarification.

> Finally, this is a grouping problem, so go to
>, and find out how to solve it.

I had looked at this, and was working through the example,  but was not
understanding it well.  However, your response and Wendell's, combined
to trigger my understanding.  I now have the example working.

Thanks again,

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