Re: [xsl] Outline a header

Subject: Re: [xsl] Outline a header
From: "J.Pietschmann" <j3322ptm@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 21:21:19 +0100
Barry van Weldam wrote:
I am using/reading xPath from O'reilly and i got that snippet from there.

Books have errors. In your case: the FO spec doesn't even define well how a *single* leader should be handled properly. There is a sort of recommendation that leader-length.optimum (default: 6pt) should be used to determine line breaking, but other than that, as long as the length is between the minimum (default: 0) and the maximum (default: 100% of the content area width). It gets worse for two leaders, the processor would be allowed to expand the first leader so much that the "Hmm" goes to the right end of the line and "Page" goes to the next line.

There's quite a chance that the book author didn't try the code snippet
with one FO processor, not to mention several different.


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