RE: [xsl] Table alternate rows colors within xsl:sort

Subject: RE: [xsl] Table alternate rows colors within xsl:sort
From: "Andrew Welch" <AWelch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 09:41:24 -0000

> I would want to display a datagrid which lines colors
> varies regarding the position (one line white, one
> line gray, one line white, ...) AFTER an xsl:sort.
> The problem is that the "<xsl:if test="position() mod
> 2 = 0"> won't work after a <xsl:sort> because the
> position() function returns the position in the
> original xml, not the in sorted nodes.
> I can't use a variable because xslt do not allow to
> increment it within my xsl:for-each
> Do someone know a solution to this ?

A simple way is to do the sort in a variable first, then for-each over
the variable to produce your table rows.

<xsl:variable name="sortedRows-rtf">
  <xsl:for-each select="links/link">
    sort, xsl:copy etc...
<xsl:variable name="sortedRows" select="xxx:node-set($sortedRows-rtf)"/>


  <xsl:for-each select="$sortedRows">
    <xsl:for-each select="link">

Get the idea?

Whenver you have some multi-stage processing to do, just split it up
into variables, each one working on the previous one.

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