RE: [xsl] Does XSLT support schema validation

Subject: RE: [xsl] Does XSLT support schema validation
From: "John Meyer" <jmeyer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 21:00:30 -0500

1. There is no direct support for schema validation in XSLT. However the
easiest way to integrate validation into the JAXP process is to validate
the document during the parsing stage. I know that Xerces 2
( is a fully conforming XML Schema
processor for Java.

2. This could be quite complex depending on your needs. Extracting data
to a string during the transformation can be tricky. Two options are to
a) use two transforms, one for the output document <xsl:output ...
method="xml"/> and one for the string <xsl:output ... method="text"/>.
b) use a java function to extract the data using your processor's
extension function mechanism.

As for inserting the java variables, the best case would be pass these
variables into your transformation as stylesheet parameters. If these
variables are dynamic( ie you need the string being extracted in 2 ) you
will almost guaranteed have to use an extension function to achieve
this. Extension functions are by nature specific to the processor in
use. I am not very familiar with extension functions in Java XSLT
processors other than Xalan.


-----Original Message-----
From: santony@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:santony@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 8:16 PM
To: XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] Does XSLT support schema validation 

I tried google a lot to find answers to these questions. The standards
also does not talk about this directly.

1. I have a java application that will be using XSLT, through the Java
We would like to make sure that both the input and output XMLs are in
aggreement to 2 respective schemas. Is it possible to do this using
If possible are there any JAXP interfaces for this mechanism.

2. While doing the above conversion, we would like to extract some
values from the input XML to a Java string variable. Similarly we would
like to
insert some values contained within the Java variables to the produced
XML. Is this possible at all.

( I came across this website, where it describes a seemingly simple
mechanism to push java data to produced XML.
Is this portable. Or is this a xalan specific proprietary functionality

Any help will be appreciated.


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