RE: [xsl] Does XSLT support schema validation

Subject: RE: [xsl] Does XSLT support schema validation
From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 07:52:22 -0000
> 1. I have a java application that will be using XSLT, through 
> the Java JAXP classes. We would like to make sure that both 
> the input and output XMLs are in aggreement to 2 respective 
> schemas. Is it possible to do this using XSLT. If possible 
> are there any JAXP interfaces for this mechanism.

You can invoke a schema validator on the input or output documents but
(a) this has nothing to do with XSLT
(b) there's no standard API for it yet.

XSLT 2.0 supports validation from within the stylesheet (but it's not
currently supported in Saxon), and Java APIs to control validation are
coming along soon.

Michael Kay

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