[xsl] Block-Container within page margin

Subject: [xsl] Block-Container within page margin
From: "Skwirel Software Ltd" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 10:17:23 -0000

We use block-containers within regions before to position images, various
text blocks etc, no matter where these are to be positioned on the page.  We
do this to give us control over which pages they are to appear on.  This
works very well for us save for one annoyng problem.

The left and top values of the block-container are relevant to the page
margins.  Accordingly, if you want a block container (say a logo) inside the
margin you have to provide its left and top values as negatives.  This works
unless you specify a negative value of (approx) -0.6 or more.

By way of example, say the margin left is 3cm and you want to position a
block-container at 1cm from left of page, you would provide a value
of -2cms, but this doe not work.  If you increased the left margin to 5 cms
and left the block-container's left position at -2cm it still won't work.
This seems to have nothing to do with the printable area of the page.  Is
there some sort of constraint on the positioning of block-containers?  Does
anyone know of a workaround please.

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