RE: [xsl] parsing post script

Subject: RE: [xsl] parsing post script
From: "Karthikeyan Ramnath" <karthikeyanr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 15:07:41 +0530
umm, I dont have that liberty. actually, that would have been blissful in
comparison to what i'm doing now. but i CANT, i dont have access to that.
So.. hehe.
anyways, i suppose that since the document format is fixed, i think the
current approach to rely on the positioning will help. Also i am not
interested in the binary info. whatsoever.

The will to do, the soul to dare

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Michael
> Muller-Hillebrand
> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 2:45 PM
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [xsl] parsing post script
> On 25.11.2003 (13:09 Uhr +0530), Karthikeyan Ramnath wrote:
> >thanks dude, thats what I'm doing(more or less). I've
> stripped all the font
> >and formatting info and converted the simple text into a
> basic XML doc which
> >specifies the X,Y position for each element.
> >Next I hope to define a transform which will convert the absolute
> >coordinates into more meaningful numbers like the column
> indices of a table
> >etc...
> >Any inputs in this regard will be more than welcome.
> If you successfully extracted positioning data from the
> PostScript, you are relying on a very special format, because
> in the real world this data can be hidden in unlimited ways.
> The same is true for string data: it can be encoded  and even
> in the simplest environment non-ASCII characters will be
> octal coded numbers. Next: The way those numbers relate to
> certain glyphs (= letters of a given font) depends on the
> encoding vector, which can be set up (= programmed) in
> multiple ways as well...
> Why can't you go back one step and work with the source of
> the PostScript files, or use that source to include machine
> parsable data (like comments) in the PostScript data?
> - Michael
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