RE: [xsl] getting node type in xsl

Subject: RE: [xsl] getting node type in xsl
From: Pieter Reint Siegers Kort <pieter.siegers@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 11:31:17 -0500
Hi Jan,

You may check out

This open source effort intends to bring Saxon 8.0B functionality to the
.NET Framework, using the IKVM.NET ( from Jeroen
Frijters, a Java VM for .NET, which in turn uses GNU ClassPath.

This port means that .NET developers now can use XSLT 2.0, Xpath 2.0, and
XQuery 1.0 funtionality in their applications. Note that the build published
is still a very early build and is currently being tested against a variety
of test stylesheets, so it cannot be guaranteed to give the functionality
that Saxon itself can give you at this moment.

On the other hand, you may also be able to do the reverse, accessing Java
from .NET, but I'm not very up to date at that point. 

It all boils down to operability here.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Limpens [mailto:jan.limpens@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 10:55 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [xsl] getting node type in xsl

unfortunately using I am bound to xslt version 1.0, as they will not
implement version 2 even in the next version of their framework.
or is there another .net xslt processor around, where I can leverage

> > 2) how can I give a node a unique id, that I can somehow reuse to 
> > programmatically alter it's value (some serialization of the 
> > absolute xPath using something else than the "/" and "[ ]" 
> > characters, like "ID#animal-1#chicken-3#egg-5" for
> > generate-id() doesn't do this...

> XSLT doesn't allow you to alter the value of a node... There's an 
> extension function to get a path to a node in Saxon, and there are "pure
> solutions in the FAQ (somewhere!).

I don't want to alter the node via xslt. I want to generate an interface to
do so via xslt and then use .net's XmlWriter to do the actual alteration.
therefore i need to generate an id, that helps me to find the node in


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