RE: [xsl] getting node type in xsl

Subject: RE: [xsl] getting node type in xsl
From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 21:59:07 +0100
> Still, how does xslt 2.0 without the schema aware extension help me in
> my problem nr. 1?

Schema-awareness isn't an "extension" to XSLT 2.0, it's an integral part of
the standard. Your only problem is, it doesn't come for free :-)

> So, anyone got an idea about nr. 2 (using the stylesheet to produce an
> element's xpath something I can print out)?
> I tried
>   <xsl:template
>    match="node()">
>    <xsl:variable name="xpath" select="concat(../$xpath, '/',
> local-name(),'[', position(), ']')"/>
>     <fieldset>
>       <legend>
>         <xsl:value-of
>          select="$xpath" />
>       </legend>
> ...

Saxon has an extension function for this but there are templates you can
pick up to do it. Google for "XSLT template to get a path to a node".

Michael Kay

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