Re: [xsl] xslt processors

Subject: Re: [xsl] xslt processors
From: Jeff Kenton <jeffrey.kenton@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 20:51:08 -0400
First: 2 MB or 17MB aren't especially big XML files. Any decent processor should handle them easily. 300MB or 400MB files are big.

Second: Most XSLT processors read the XML file into memory before processing it. The in-memory data representation tends to be 2-5 times as big as the original file. At some point you will run out of physical memory, and will need to find another solution that doesn't require reading the entire file before you process it.

People have talked about XSLT processors that automatically "stream" the XML input files, but I don't know any that really do that. One possible solution is to use SAX to read your file, and process the input elements as you see them. Another thing you might try is breaking your input into multiple files, and deal with them sequentially (but this scheme only puts off your day of pain for a little while).

Good luck.


Dusan Zatkovsky wrote:
On Thursday 30 of September 2004 16:29, Colin Paul Adams wrote:


I will extend this question.

Does anybody know some other and fast xslt processors written in c/c++ except xalan and xsltproc for linux?

I have this problem:

I want to transform big xml documents to text data.


xml size=2MB
XalanC transforms it ok, but speed is 4-5 times slower than xsltproc.
Parsing/transforming time is 1:2. So when I run Xalan, it tooks about 8 sec to initialize and 15 sec to transform.

xsltproc transform it ok with speed 4-5 times faster than XalanC.
Parsing/transforming time is about 1:1 (3 and 4 seconds)

xml size=17MB XalanC transforms it ok, but speed is 4-5 times slower than xsltproc. Parsing/transforming times are 20/60 sec.

But xsltproc initialization tooks very long time (after 5 minutes I have killed that process).

So, I can't use xsltproc to transform big xml files (and our project need to transform up to 300-400MB xml files) and can't use XalanC because low transforming speed.

Anybody can help me?


=    Jeff Kenton      Consulting and software development               =
=                      =

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