Re: [xsl] variable question

Subject: Re: [xsl] variable question
From: Geert Josten <Geert.Josten@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 21:59:28 +0100
Jeni Tennison wrote:

If so, you need:

<xsl:variable name="bibrecord"
  select="$bibkey/doc(concat('bib-data/', ., '.mods'))" />

Is it allowed to use a function-call at the end of a path expression? That must be new in XPath 2. It wasn't allowed in 1.0, which was a pity in some occasions as it would have prevented the need of the node-set function...

because in this case the <mods:mods> element is parentless. This
distinction is very subtle, and usually unimportant, but in general my
advice would be to avoid the "//" at the beginning of the pattern
unless you're really sure that you'll never want to match elements
that don't appear in a tree rooted with a document node.

Ah, another nice detail...


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