Re: [xsl] output to two files with hyperlinks

Subject: Re: [xsl] output to two files with hyperlinks
From: Rahil <qamar_rahil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 15:13:00 +0100
Michael Kay wrote:

<xsl:result-document href="parents.xml">

"parents.xml" here is a relative URI. What is it relative to? If you invoke Saxon from the command line
without specifying the -o option, the principal output goes to standard out,
which has no known URI, so you get this failure.

At the moment Im not using the command line to run my xsl files. Im using an XSL Editor for performing the transformations. The <xsl:output method="html" encoding="iso-8859-1"/> instruction doesnt really specify a pre-assigned file to which the output should go. I dont know how to do that either although it'll be ideal to specify a filename in the xsl to which the output is serialised to.

The answer is to specify
the -o option.

I had a look in your book for the various attributes that can be written to the <xsl:output> element but am not sure what the -o option means.

(I've fixed this recently so that if -o is not specified,
parents.xml will go in the current directory, if you're executing from the
command line - but not if Saxon is called using the Java API).

I assume that parents.xml, if it eventually works, will be located in the directory in which the main output file is.


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