Re: [xsl] disable-output-escaping for attributes

Subject: Re: [xsl] disable-output-escaping for attributes
From: Victor <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 09:22:16 +0200
David Carlisle wrote:

Maybe I didn't get whole picture about character maps but they seem overly complicated in contrast to "just" use DOE (expecially because input and output will look very different)

character maps are more flexible but the simple case of emulating d-o-e doesn't really involve much extra syntax over the d-o-e method. See for-example the posting: I suggest in a followup that this be wrapped in an xsl:function

Thanks for the article. This surely makes things easier. But it seems that a character map based solution cannot be maintenance free.
The maps (and translate function) have to be created in advance but I cannot know whith what stange characters the user of the templates may come up.
With a d-o-e solution I don't have to care, character maps may have be adapted if the content changes.


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