Re: [xsl] parameters in XSLT 2.0

Subject: Re: [xsl] parameters in XSLT 2.0
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 14:49:37 +0100
> Somewhere I need to configure the query, 

yes but setting a variable isn't configuring anything and you can always
replace a variable reference by its value, so if you only use it in one
place it's not doing anything except perhaps make the stylesheet look a
bit more self-documenting (which isn't a negligible consideration)

> I suppose I could just use a function to build the query, so that I end 
> up with something like ...
> 	<xsl:variable name="bib:data" select="doc(bib:get_docs(.))" 
> as="element()+"/>

well as I said before you can't use element()+ as the type of a sequence
selected by doc() as you'll get a type error.
Either doc() will return the empty sequence, in which case you get an
error (as you have used + which means 1-or-more) or it will return a
document node, in which cae you will get an error as you have used
element() (which means an element node)


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