RE: [xsl] Re: [exslt] Re: [xsl] Importing compiled stylesheets

Subject: RE: [xsl] Re: [exslt] Re: [xsl] Importing compiled stylesheets
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:09:06 +0100
> A compiled module will need to be defined as something more closed. It
> may be a collection of many compiled stylesheets. What is important is
> its property that it doesn't use/know about global objects that exist
> outside this module (such as global variables, keys, etc). The only
> way to pass information to this module is by using parameters.

And this affects the decision whether to add an attribute to xsl:include or
to use a new top-level element. If an attribute is added to xsl:include, the
semantics must be identical to xsl:include - loading the precompiled code is
then merely an optimization.

Michael Kay

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