Subject: [xsl] Re: [exslt] Re: Re: [xsl] Importing compiled stylesheets From: James Fuller <jim.fuller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 12:42:48 +0200 |
Dimitre Novatchev wrote: >"Mike Brown" <mike@xxxxxxxx> wrote in message >news:200506300244.j5U2ioXg093054@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > > >>I would prefer exsl:compiled-stylesheet-href for the name of the >>attribute. >> >> > >This would give the impression that only a single compiled stylesheet is >referenced. In fact the included stylesheet may and often would include >other compiled stylesheets, therefore I think that: > > <exslt:include-compiled-module href="hrefToCompiledStylesheet"/> > >is slightly more precise in meaning. > > > +1, though this raises a few questions, look below >>Re: implementations, add ours to the list. 4Suite supports compiled >>stylesheets -- they are pickled Python objects -- although it should be >>noted >>that our stylesheet reader is now so fast that it is actually *less* >>efficient >>to use these 'compiled' stylesheets than it is to let the processor read >>raw >>XSLT from a memory or file system-based stream ... unless you're dealing >>with >>ginormous, multiple external entity-laden sheets like DocBook XSLT. >> >> > > >The intended use of the new extension element is not only to boost >performance, but also to make possible to deploy *libraries* of >xsl:function -s in a single module compiled module. Because the module is >compiled, it would be possible to hide the source code and to protect the >intellectual property of the developers. > > yes, and this opens up other issues (admittedly a wider scope then applicable to current disc)....such as packaging with such deployment reuse there any XML digsig component of what we are discussing? I think a bit of research is required to review some existing packaging efforts with XML, did this about a year ago, there are some interesting things happening with respect to compound xml documents, archives, packaged components should a compiled module come along with any meta data that maybe introspected (version, author, etc) is there any XML DigSig relevence with respect to protection, checksum... any alignment with popular deployment package formats e.g. war/jar/ear etc, etc... jf
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