RE: [xsl] Opening a document on a server

Subject: RE: [xsl] Opening a document on a server
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 01:18:11 +0100
> Given a file on a server, thus:
> //someServer/someDirectory/someFile.xml
> The following function call opens it:
> document('file:////someServer/someDirectory/someFile.xml')

Thanks. I thought that was supposed to work, but last time I tried, I

The format //someServer/someDirectory/someFile.xml is a Windows UNC
filename: a remote file in the sense that it belongs to the filestore of a
machine other than the client. The RFCs are pretty unhelpful about how this
case should be represented using a URI in the "file" scheme, but the
"file:////" prefix seems to be emerging as the accepted answer. It's
probably best treated as implementation-dependent, though.

Michael Kay

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