[xsl] merging the contents of consecutive

Subject: [xsl] merging the contents of consecutive
From: "Annmarie Rubin \(anrubin\)" <anrubin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:22:32 -0700
Thanks for the tip, Michael.

I want to generate a single element to replace two consecutive info
elements that are children of an overview element and have the same name
(and concatenate their contents.)  There will be no more than one pair
of these info elements in each overview element. I don't want to
generate a single element containing all duplicate elements.

For example, this code finds the info element that is a child of an
overview element and whose next following sibling is also an info

<xsl:template match="overview/info[following-sibling::*[1][self::info]]"

At this point, I'm stuck. How do I concatenate both elements?


Ann Marie

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