[xsl] Using variables in select

Subject: [xsl] Using variables in select
From: Ferdinand Soethe <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:05:31 +0100
I need to process two different selections (attached below). One that
is filtered and one (actually several) that are filtered by
[@Kursart='Bildungsurlaub'] and similar conditions.

Now searching the list I found that I can create a more elegant
soltion by using a variable in this fashion [@Kursart=$aFilter].

What I haven't found is:

        how can I create this in a way that it works also for the
        first variation that doesn't want the filter?

        Is there a way to use pattern matching such as

        $aFilter="*" (which doesn't work!)

Or is this a situation where I need to go for evaluate?
Any ideas much appreciated,
Ferdinand Soethe

Current code

<xsl:for-each select="set:distinct(Kurstext/@Titel|
        Abschnitt[BereichsTitelEinfuegen and BereichsTitelEinfuegen!='immer'
        <xsl:call-template name="UebersichtslistenpunktErzeugenHTML" />
 <xsl:for-each select="set:distinct(Kurstext[@Kursart='Bildungsurlaub']/@Titel|
        Abschnitt[BereichsTitelEinfuegen and BereichsTitelEinfuegen!='immer'
        <xsl:call-template name="UebersichtslistenpunktErzeugenHTML" />

Ferdinand Soethe

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