Re: [xsl] Transforming multiple XML files into one file

Subject: Re: [xsl] Transforming multiple XML files into one file
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 16:24:14 +0100
   O.K. guys, I have an XML file that looks like this:


   and an XSLT that looks like this:

   <xsl:template match="movie">
	<xsl:copy-of select="document(document('list.xml')/files/file)/ 

   In the past I have been applying an XSLT to an existing XML file  
   using Oxygen. So I'd open up the file that I want to transform and  
   then the XSLT would apply the transformation to that document and  
   give me the resulting output. In this situation, there isn't an XML  
   file to start with. Should I just open a blank XML file and do a  
   transformation on it? Forgive my ignorance here.

If you are matching "movie" then I'd expect that your main document
would be whichever file had the movie elemet in it, so perhaps im

If you don't have any other "main" document, use list.xml as your main
document, then you don't need to pull it in with the document() function
so you'd have

  <xsl:template match="files">
	<xsl:copy-of select="document(file)/story"/>


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