RE: [xsl] statically known namespaces

Subject: RE: [xsl] statically known namespaces
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:57:01 +0100
> ....ahh completely forgot the XML side of things, been 
> reading XQuery this morning.  The main point came from xs: 
> though as my editor doesn't auto-generate it, and as I've 
> never committed it to memory I have to cut and paste it each time...

It would be nice if XSLT editors provided configuration options so you could
say which namespaces you want automatically inserted, and which of them
should be listed in exclude-result-prefixes.

I see a lot of stylesheets containing quite unnecessary declarations of
namespaces like XSL-FO. I assume these are usually caused by tools
possessing half-an-ounce of intelligence, rather than by users blindly
copying the heading of the last stylesheet they wrote.

Michael Kay

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