Re: [xsl] Getting an error with a variable

Subject: Re: [xsl] Getting an error with a variable
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 29 Jul 2006 07:42:44 +0100
>>>>> "Garry" == Garry Searle <garry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Garry> I'm wanting to combine 2 xml files. One has a list of car
    Garry> number and competitor names, the other is a list of
    Garry> times. Essentially a relational database. I use .asp to
    Garry> pass the xml and xsl files. Is it possible to pass 2 xml
    Garry> files, or how can I access the data from the 2nd xml
    Garry> file. Could you point me to some documentation. I havent
    Garry> been able to find anything.

You could pass the URI of the second file as a stylesheet parameter.
Then use the document() function.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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