Re: [xsl] xinclude in xslt2

Subject: Re: [xsl] xinclude in xslt2
From: Erik Wilde <net.dret@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:13:01 -0700

It looks pretty much feasible now in XSLT 2.0. The only probable problems are related to the fact that XInclude is designed to operate at very low XML processing level. For starters:
1. detecting circular inclusions
2. xml:base fixup
3. xml:lang fixup
4. dealing with fatal and resource errors, e.g. the case when included document is unavailable and is non-well-formed should be distinguished.

detecting circular inclusions is easy, and the xml:base and xml:lang attributes should be easy to handle, as they are easily accessible through the xpath node tree.

wrt handling the different types of errors: you are probably right here, using xpath's and xslt's functions for accessing documents, it is not possible to distinguish the two types of errors. for example, the document() function of xslt will simply return an empty node set in case of an error. xpath's doc() could do better, if supported by the implementation:

from "Implementations may provide user-defined error handling options that allow processing to continue following an error in retrieving a resource, or in parsing and validating its content. When errors have been handled in this way, the function may return either an empty sequence, or a fallback document provided by the error handler." however does not mention anything about saxon supporting user-defined error handling for doc().

and then we have this problem of unparsed entities and notations, which are not accessible to the xslt processor at all (unless it provided one way to access them in addition to the standard xpath node tree).

thanks for your comments and kind regards,


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