RE: [xsl] Preventing second click

Subject: RE: [xsl] Preventing second click
From: "Geert Josten" <geert.josten@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 13:15:14 +0200
Hi Oleg,

I think your method is in principle right. Disable the button on the
HTML page as soon as it is clicked. Though you don't need the onload
part. You generate the HTML yourself, so by default it should be enabled
and only clicking it will disable it.

About the XSL 'parent and child' files, that should not be of concern.
You generate one HTML file to which the several XSL's each contribute a
part. Just make sure things match in the end result (the HTML page),
that is all you need to care. Besides, dropping the onload part, might
'solve' this, as in that case your javascript only concerns the submit
'button'. :-)

And Yes, you could have asked on the Cocoon list as well.. ;-)

Kind regards,

> I have a web XSLT application which is (among other things)
> doing large SQL Insert's, so sometimes it takes a while, user
> becomes impatient and clicks again (or just does
> double-click), and the same data is getting inserted again
> creating duplicate rows.
> I was thinking of some simple solution in Javascript, something like:
> <input name=myBtn onclick="this.disable=true;" /> and <body
> onload="if (document.myBtn.disabled)
> document.myBtn.disabled=false;" /> ...
> </body>
> Do you think that might work ?
> (that input is not a Submit button, the page actually reloads
> when any DB transaction is done)
> The complication is that the <body> and <input> are in
> different XSL files, i.e. if the button is in the
> "grandchild" of the <body> form (child xsl:include's the
> parent which includes a grandparent containg the <body>).
> Do they really share a "document" ?
> Doesn't seem to work for me.
> Or is there a nicer solution ?
> Please advise.  Any help is very appreciated.
> Thank you in advance,
> Oleg.
> P.S.: Actually, it's a Cocoon/XSLT application with Actions
> written in Java, but I didn't want to go into that, hoping
> for a simple non-Java solution [without multi-threading and
> other potential troubles].

Drs. G.P.H. Josten

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