Re: [xsl] Preventing second click

Subject: Re: [xsl] Preventing second click
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 20:10:07 +0200
Oleg Konovalov wrote:

The complication is that the <body> and <input> are in different XSL files,
i.e. if the button is in the "grandchild" of the <body> form (child
xsl:include's the parent which includes a grandparent containg the
Do they really share a "document" ?
Doesn't seem to work for me.

Or is there a nicer solution ?

Sounds to me you are trying the following: Data (xml) + XSLT for several sections of your page. Sounds like AJAX + xslt and sounds like you should best use Prototype JS library ( for 1.4, newer version is delivered with the library or from svn).

I develop a web application for managing tables and text blocks for which every visual part is done with multiple xml+xslt client side transformations. To add logic to this, where the javascript comes from XSLT, it will not always be well interpreted, especially not on IE. Using a result-dom and adding it to the html dom one way or the other, may (or will) result in problems. Only exception: when you use the onxxxx handlers like you did (but these are deprecated)

The best and easiest bets you have is: right after the xslt-transform (when the button is created) use an addEventHandler function to add the javascript function to the onclick handler of this button. This is by far the easiest way and imho the best, if not merely because you do not mix javascript inside xslt, which should be about layout. Leave the js in the js files, where they belong.

The second bet is: use Prototype (or write it yourself) to automatically interprete any script that is inside the result-dom and interpret it.

It should not matter whether you use separate xslt files or not, as long as you keep in mind that not all objects are ready at any given time. Meaning: if you call a script (when the user clicks or automatically) that needs objects from another xslt transform, you must be sure that the other xslt transformation (does it get its data async or not?) is finished and has its objects rendered.

Doing it in "pure" xslt without javascript but with css styles can only be achieved with a trick. Use a link and make it look like a button. Use pseudo class :visited and set it to hidden in css, make sure the link is different each time (just add a timestamp or something). This will make it invisible when clicked, but once SQL has finished, you make it visible again using javascript (cannot be done with only css of course).

Good luck,

Abel Braaksma

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