Re: [xsl] A non self closed xsl:apply-templates element to create a text node for matching ...

Subject: Re: [xsl] A non self closed xsl:apply-templates element to create a text node for matching ...
From: iwanttokeepanon <iwanttokeepanon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 19:43:22 -0600
David Carlisle wrote:

various ways of combining those:

Thanks for the ideas!

Michael Kay wrote:

It's a bug in the XSLT processor you were using. You might call that an
accident, I don't.

Very true. My "cut down" example worked (by bug/accident), but when I put it into a larger stylesheet w/ namespaces, it started complaining about it (but processed it anyway ... wierd).

<xsl:template match="text()[ starts-with( ., '../Russia2006/' ) ] | @href[
starts-with( ., '../Russia2006/' ) ]">


Thanks for all the help.  I just had an ahh haa moment.  I need to refactor
the XML and store the complete URL (easy enough).  The purpose was
to have relative URLs in the HTML and full URLs in Atom/RSS feeds.

Instead of "data complete" the URL for Atom/RSS, I can just remove the
website base URL and add ../another-app/index.html for my HTML
tranformation.  That'd be much easier.  And if I weren't so tired to
begin with I might have figured that out earlier.  Now, to go delete
a bunch of crappy XSL.

Thanks for all the help ...

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