Re: [xsl] Pivot Reports

Subject: Re: [xsl] Pivot Reports
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 13:58:23 +0100
Vitaliy Paykov wrote:
Thanks a lot James!!! Its work!

Consider sending him flowers or something, this must have cost him hours, if not days.

James, it is indeed a beautiful piece of art. I wished I had the time to dig into it more deeply (your solution, not the problem). But, like Michael, I try to avoid Muenchian grouping as much as possible and even worse, I try to be ignorant about it.Using XSLT 2 I luckily don't need to use it. I may present your solution to my new employees to explain why not to choose XSLT 1 ;-)

Thumbs up!

-- Abel

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