Re: [xsl] Preventing CDATA output in XHTML

Subject: Re: [xsl] Preventing CDATA output in XHTML
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2007 00:30:44 +0200
Manfred Staudinger wrote:
Hi Brian,

Here's the output:

<script type="text/javascript">

which FF refuses to parse without errors.

I have taken those few lines and put them somewhere in a xhtml, but it does _not_ produce any error with Fx (I also verified the source from the browsers view).

I second that. Also, the CDATA problem is an IE problem, not a FF problem. To circumvent it, you can use:

// <![CDATA[
....your script....
// ]]>

if I am not mistaken...

And you do not need CDATA if your script sections do not contain < or & characters (but that may be well known though).

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