Re: [xsl] Hidden implementation-defined behaviour

Subject: Re: [xsl] Hidden implementation-defined behaviour
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 09:48:48 +0100
Oh and teh example that Michael added to the spec in relation to the
earlier report is in the final rec section 16.2 as

Example: Splitting an Input File into a Sequence of Lines
...Note that the unparsed-text  function does not normalize line endings....

(I do wish people didn't use generate-id() to generate link anchors:-)

> As far as I can see, both behaviours are legitimate, so it is something to 
> beware of (calling translate(unparsed-text($uri, "&#13;", "")) gives 
> portable behaviour).
No, a file with traditional mac line endings just has a single #13 so
that would make it all one line.


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