[xsl] RE: xsl-list Digest 12 Jul 2007 05:10:01 -0000 Issue 1194

Subject: [xsl] RE: xsl-list Digest 12 Jul 2007 05:10:01 -0000 Issue 1194
From: "shi wudao" <shiwudao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 14:40:48 +0000
Thanks all!
I mis-understood the "absolute path".
I use javascript to load XSLT. In FF use XSLTProcessor and use transformNode in IE.
I have a webserver can be accessed by http://xxxx.com:8080/test
And there have /path1/xml1 /path2/xml2 /path3/xsl under the /test in the server node.
So I thought document("/test/path1/xml1") is a absolute path. FF can know it but IE failed.
I changed to document("http://xxx.com:8080/test/path1/xml1";) then it works in IE.
But the issue is sometimes the http://xxx.com:8080 could be changed, so may be it's better to change the XSLT by javascript in run time.

Another question is if xml1 is NOT a file, but just a XML object got from AJAX or some other , how can XSLT use the XML object? the document() only can load a XML from a URI , isn't it?
Thank you. ------------------------------

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