Re: [xsl] Clientside XSLT Transformations Design and Concepts

Subject: Re: [xsl] Clientside XSLT Transformations Design and Concepts
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:01:01 +0100
> Do you think the clients are going to support XML transforms for
> inputs that large?

I have a 5 Meg XML file containing data for all Unicode code points that
(optionally) I can style as a client side transform into an html table
in a scrollable div. Unlike the original posters question it doesn't try
to do anything clever abouit accessing a local file store it just
assumes that the whole thing fits in (virtual or real) memory of the
browser. It doesn't exactly render instantly but it renders well enough
in IE, FF and Opera (at least) and the transformation time isn't out of
order with the time taken to download the data or the time taken for the
rendering engine to lay out a table that big.


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