Re: [xsl] XSL-FO plain text processor?

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSL-FO plain text processor?
From: Florent Georges <darkman_spam@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 17:37:13 +0200 (CEST)
Kai Hackemesser wrote:


> I'm looking for a solution to create a formatted plain
> text file from XML. Currently I try apache FOP Processor
> with XSL-FO input. but I can't get it looking as I want, I
> always have misformations, missing or to much spaces or
> empty rows, even clipped characters. I would like to know
> if you know any alternatives to that?

  You didn't tell us so much about your input document type
nor the desired formating.  I guess that if the formating is
quite simple and closely related in structure to the input,
I would write an XSLT stylesheet from scratch.

  If your requirements are more complex, that depends...



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