Re: [xsl] Re: XSLT 2.0: Schema-aware processor: What are the compelling advantages over a non-SA processor?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Re: XSLT 2.0: Schema-aware processor: What are the compelling advantages over a non-SA processor?
From: "Andrew Welch" <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:58:49 +0100
On 7/19/07, Gerald Sheehan <gerald.sheehan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Altova claim that their XSLT 2.0 product is schema-aware. (I've been
able to
>get output validation working but not input validation. If anyone can
>me where I went wrong, please let me know!)

I had no problems with input validation. The latest version of AltovaXML
is now If you can include a specific example that would help.

Simple test result
Validation Error
Element <head> is not allowed under element <html>. at html
C:\Program Files\Altova\AltovaXML2007\videos.xslt
Line 4, Character 4

That's not really a demonstration of input validation....


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