RE: [xsl] Re: XSLT 2.0: Schema-aware processor: What are the compelling advantages over a non-SA processor?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Re: XSLT 2.0: Schema-aware processor: What are the compelling advantages over a non-SA processor?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 21:58:31 +0100
I wrote:
> >Altova claim that their XSLT 2.0 product is schema-aware. (I've been able
> >get output validation working but not input validation. If anyone can
> tell me where I went wrong, please let me know!)
> >
Gerald Sheehan replied: 
> I had no problems with input validation. The latest version 
> of AltovaXML is now If you can include a specific 
> example that would help.

Thanks. I've downloaded the latest version, and the example I was having
trouble with now works, without my having made any changes. 

Also, the new version appears to allow a schema to be read using an http://
URL, which didn't work in the previous version, so I have been able to
remove a workaround.

Things that might be useful for other users to know, and weren't obvious
from the documentation (please correct me if my inferences are wrong). 

(a) if you want an input document to be validated, then it has to have an
xsi:schemaLocation attribute pointing to its schema

(b) if validation of an XSLT input document fails, the failure is not fatal;
rather the stylesheet carries on executing, receiving an untyped document as
input. There are no error messages, as far as I can see.

Neither is a conformance issue, of course. One remaining problem, however:

(c) With the expression (. instance of element(*, xs:untyped)) I got a
message saying xs:untyped is an unknown type. It doesn't seem to be a
namespace issue because xs:dayTimeDuration is recognized.

Michael Kay

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