Re: [xsl] does instant saxon 6.5.3 support xsl:result-document ?

Subject: Re: [xsl] does instant saxon 6.5.3 support xsl:result-document ?
From: "Sam Byland" <shbyland@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:48:37 -0400
With saxon 6.5.3, you can also use "xsl:document" to output multiple documents as long as you change the "version" to 1.1 as follows:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.1" xmlns:xsl=
Then, you can do something like:

<xsl:document href="{$filename}" method="html">

But as David suggested you should seriously consider using XSLT2.0 (and using saxon 8 instead of saxon 6...)


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