Re: [xsl] .NET Dynamic Languages Group on Facebook

Subject: Re: [xsl] .NET Dynamic Languages Group on Facebook
From: "M. David Peterson" <m.david@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:43:51 -0600
On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:07:02 -0600, Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

two levels of
is a bit much.

Two levels? One being the click to the post, the other to the group on Facebook?

Perhaps you might like to explain how Facebook relates to
the XSL-List (rather than those who are not in the know to have to
follow that link as well.)

No problem,

From the post: Given the nature of Facebook, my guess is that this group would nicely facilitate things like announcements regarding local user group meetings, conferences, and other high level interactions that relate to dynamic languages on the .NET platform. In other words, therebs no need to duplicate what already exists (e.g. XSL-List, IPyDevList, Ruby.NET dev list, etc.), but there does seem to be a need to have a somewhat centralized place to communicate high level information at both a local, national, and international level, so this seems like a good place to do just that.


M. David Peterson | |

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