RE: [xsl] Output to a file...and line feeds...

Subject: RE: [xsl] Output to a file...and line feeds...
From: Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 00:56:01 +0900
Welcome Peter,

Damm it, David Carlisle, beat me to the punch on your question :-)

I was a newbie on this list only about a week or two ago and
felt very nervous about joining in discussions with the experts.

If you hang around here for a while, you will get some "Wizard dust"
on you.

Quoting one Wendell Piez of  Mulberry Technologies, Inc,
who run this fine list,

One of the great things about this list is that the beginners can rub 
up against the deep thinkers, getting a bit of wizard dust on their 
shirts and in their noses. We keep the culture vital by encouraging 
the wizards, but also those who aren't so well schooled in the dark 
arts -- who aren't and never will be, because they haven't the time, 
patience or penchant, or have other responsibilities -- or who aren't 
yet wizards, but soon enough will be.


Best wishes for your learning and adventures on this list,

Justin Johansson

At 09:55 AM 23/07/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>Greetings venerable XML authors and programmers...two questions from a
>rank amateur/beginner...
>1. How is the best way to create a new text file (or Excel CSV file)
>using an XSLT file?
>2. how is the best way to create a line-feed? (After printing my comma
>separated values, I need to "drop down" a line for the next data group.)
>I need to prepare a data file for use by other applications. I have
>determined how to find the data I need (from a 100+ page XML file) but
>now it is time to use the data in other programs.
>Many thanks!
>(My first post to this forum...are there other recommendations to help a
>new XML user to get started?? Best regards...)

Justin Johansson

- If you are coming from left-field, it helps to see right-field as well. -

- A little Karma goes further than a gallon of gas. -

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