Re: [xsl] Output to a file...and line feeds...

Subject: Re: [xsl] Output to a file...and line feeds...
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 24 Jul 2007 05:25:03 +0100
>>>>> "Florent" == Florent Georges <darkman_spam@xxxxxxxx> writes:

    Florent> Michael Kay wrote: Hi

    >> Colin Adams Gestalt processor (which isn't yet complete)

    Florent>   I didn't fill in a bug report for Gexslt for a while.
    Florent> The last time I've used it, it seemed quite stable.
    Florent> Colin, do you have a matrix of supported and not
    Florent> supported features in Gexslt?

I don't think there are any unsupported features.

There's a couple of things that aren't quite conformant yet - regular 
expressions for instance - I'm using a perl-compatible engine, not
xpath compatible.

And unparsed-text currently reads all files as utf-8.

XML 1.1 support is patchy (the XML parser doesn't support it for
instance - technically this is not an XSLT conformance issue - you
could contruct an XDM from a 1.1 source by hand if you were mad

The serializer needs overhauling to bring it in to conformance with
changes to the spec since I first wrote it.

Then there are bugs - mostly undiscovered, but 4 known bugs in the XML
parser - the author has promised to fix them, but when is another
question. Unfortunately 2 of these bugs (DTD-related) prevent using
the docbook xslt 2.0 transformations.

I'm currently working my way through the W3C test suite, fixing each
problem that arises (or documenting it for future attention in a very
few cases). Alphabetically I've reached N. As I started at the
beginning of the year, end of 2007 looks a likely date for a release
of binaries with a definitive list of things yet-to-be-fixed.

If anyone wants to help, then it will be quicker.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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