Re: [xsl] XSLamenT

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLamenT
From: Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 01:36:45 +0900
Thanks for that, Gene & Michael,

Please do not think that I am in anyway anti-XSLT; quite the opposite,
and, as an xslt developer, making claim to being XSLT "Schema-Aware"
says in itself how much I love this technology.

The Symphony, ,
product looks like a really cool example of where XSLT can go, and it is
a pleasure to have drawn this link from you, Gene, as a result of my post.

Of course, one should not make blanket statements, as I did, without credible
reference.  In the land of kangaroos and the singleton synchrotron, ,

the XSLT landscape is not presently roses for I.T. consultants.

A search on the main I.T. job site in Australia

currently yields very few job opportunities for XSLT-ers (which are not
duplicated adverts), and, Saxon, which is one of the few 2.0 compliant
products, sadly doesn't even get a single hit.

It seems to me therefore that the "steady stream" is just a trickle
in my neck of the woods.  Accordingly I justify my stance the XSLT meme
needs a little more help in the marketing department.



At 11:28 AM 31/07/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>I have to agree with Michael here.  What you are seeing are the web
>developers migrating to discovering the power of XSLT on the web.
>Most of these developers still think "OOP" is a sound that a coin
>makes when it hits the water.  Hopefully systems like Symphony
>( will get more exposure to the more
>advanced web developers and the advancement of the language and it's
>children languages can progress in a rate that's acceptable.
>Gene Shepherd
>On 7/31/07, Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > Now that is not the fault of the W3C or the various Drs. and
>> > other learned participants of the xsl-list, but, it does seem
>> > to me that somehow the XSLT meme* is not replicating as we
>> > would all hope for in the minds of the wider I.T. community.
>> It seems to me that it is replicating, and that we are watching the process
>> happening. There is a steady stream of pilgrims working their way up the
>> mountainside. The more people we see asking these basic questions, the more
>> evidence we have that lots of people are making this journey.
>> Michael Kay

Justin Johansson

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