Re: [xsl] XSLamenT

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLamenT
From: Steve <subsume@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 12:41:03 -0400
I stand by your apprehensions, Justin. Obviously I'm the list newb and
my vote is a relative decimal to Michael and Dimitre.

I do a lot of work on legacy ASP (Classic) projects and am often in
the ASP community giving advice. I think the natural division which
XSL creates between program and code is enough to revolutionize the
efficiency of the majority of people I encounter in forums. In a way I
feel like it brings new life to legacy languages like ASP because it
shifts away many of the technological responsibilities that made them
clunky and deprecated in the first place.

However, watching people creating HTML, CSS, and even JavaScript with
line-by-line Response.Write statements is... let's just say I know how
heroin addicts in withdrawal who feel bugs crawling under their skin
must feel. And yet so few test the waters of XSL.

So, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Is
the horse in this case drinking? M. and D. seem hopeful enough, and
they're the ones to know I guess, but I am not so sure either.


On 7/31/07, Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey Dimitre,
> >This is not lamenting -- just stating a fact.
> My comment made with poetic license :-) and of course to illustrate my reading
> of the state of play with the technology.
> >I have witnessed some increased interest to FXSL in the past year, but
> >this is probably still too early of reaching critical mass.
> What year was XSLT 1.0 and what year is it now?  We are not talking
> about 1905, the shattering of Newtonian Physics, and the time that it
> took to reach critical mass (in some ways sadly for humanity).  Internet
> adoption time ought be much short than that, as evidenced by other,
> almost-viral, technologies.
> Cheers too,
> Justin Johansson
> *** A horse with no name is called Lambda ***

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